Friday, April 4, 2014

Clean, clean, and clean

So Brian spilled the beans! First home visit!!! How exciting!!

Our house is pretty neat and tidy most of the time.  Brian has OCD, so that helps with keeping everything nice and neat.  However, it looks like a lot of the nursery and front yard to-do's will be done this weekend!  The nursery is kind of a disarry of baby items and cuteness right now.  I will try to arrange the room better and hang some of the artwork I've accumulated for the nursery these past few months.

As for the yard, our cute cheery succulents did not survive the winter and look pretty sad right now.  I need to head to the garden center and get expert advise about something low maintenance and evergreen to go in our cool pots in front of our house.

Besides those two major areas, the house is pretty much put together.  We hope the agency loves our little house as much as we do.  We think it would be perfect to raise a family in.  I am eager to know what questions she will ask us.  It is just kind of hard being judged, but we are confident that we rock and hope our agency will think we rock too.

Please pray for us!  We are so ready to start our family and share our love with a child.

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