Friday, January 17, 2014

So it begins...

We finally received the paperwork for our home study! I'm actually excited to begin, but I'm sure that will change after filling out the first few forms. 

Our agency is backed up, so we can't start the home visit part of the home study until later. I'm just excited to begin the process! 

Some of the questions asked are very personal.. Like questions about our sex lives personal. Both Brian and I are pretty quiet and shy, so that is just going to be awkward for us! 

Even though some of the questions might be awkward to answer, I think the process will help both of us reflect on ourselves and our relationship. It will open discussion about what we want for the future of our little family. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Forever, I will carry you in my heart

We've come a long way in the last 3 and a half years. We first were able to successfully get pregnant in December 2010. I remember the joy I felt when I saw that little plus sign for the first time. The excitement I had to tell Brian that we were going to have a baby! I remember our first appointment and our first sonogram. Seeing our little gummy bear's heartbeat at 8 weeks and falling in love. Then it happened, I started spotting. I knew that something was wrong. When we went to the doctor for another sonogram, the baby only grew a day since the previous week and had no heartbeat. It is as if the baby held on long enough for us to see him wiggle around and hear the hearbeat.

About a year later, we were pregnant again. This time, we were both cautiously excited. I found out just before going on vacation. Sadly, the miscarriage happened during our vacation. A few months later, we were able to get pregnant a third time. This one also ended around week 6.

We've taken time to grieve each loss. We are truly heartbroken by what could have been and the little lives we lost. We believe that God has a plan. Each loss, while devestating, has brought us closer as a couple. They have helped us reflect on ourselves and what we truly want in life and what we want for our family. They've made me stronger in a way and more determined. We miss our little babies that we've never gotten to meet, but we are hopeful for the future.

We have had almost two years of unexplained infertility since our last loss. Our doctors are not sure what is wrong. Since looking into adoption, we've stopped all fertility treatments. They were doing more harm to my body than good. Plus, I did not like pumping my body full of hormones and dealing with the odd side effects.

Friday, January 10, 2014

"So... When are you guys gonna start a family?"

We get this question a lot. After being married for more than eight years, it is more like "So where are the kids, already?!?!" About four years ago, we started our journey to grow our family. Through this journey, we've experienced three heartbreaking miscarriages and over a year of unexplained infertility. Now, we are looking more closely at adoption to grow our family.

Why Adoption?
We've always planned to adopt. We wanted to have a child then adopt our second child. We've just always felt that God has called us to adopt. Adoption is a big part of both of our families. My youngest sister is adopted. Brian has cousins that are adopted. As we've started looking more into adoption, we've found that we had many friends and other relatives that are adopted or have adopted.

We are just so ready to become parents and to share our love, faith, and experiences with a child. Our families already love our future son or daughter without even meeting them yet.

Why blog about it?
I wanted to start this blog to document our adoption process and our experience growing a family. Brian may chime in with a post here and there as well. I also wanted to document this journey to help anyone else that is looking into adoption or that has experienced the pain of infertility and multiple miscarriages.