Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Still in Paperwork Limbo

Our agency is backed up with other home studies, so we cannot start the home visit portion of our home study or the group meetings.  We are super bummed about this.  We want to just dive in there and get things done!  We are so ready to start our family and get closer to actually being able to have our profile out there for birthparents to see.

Until then, we have a few paperwork items to complete.  We did our background checks.  It was our first time EVER going inside of a police station and jail!  We had to go to our city and county police stations to get our background check run.  We had to go to the county jail to get our fingerprints printed.  It was... interesting.

With that done, all that is left are our physicals.  We hope to have that done within a week.  Then we can mail off the humongous package of paperwork to our agency.  Then wait for a spot to open for the home study.

I've been really anxious this month regarding getting the paperwork in and starting the home study.  This is kind of our last hope at having a family.  I pray and hope that adoption will work for us and that our agency will see that we are kind, loving, faithful people who are ready to love and raise a child in our home.  I think the anxiousness comes from February being the three year aniversary of my first miscarriage and April being the two year anniversay of my third miscarriage.  Just a lot of emotions running through me and reliving the losses I felt those years ago.

I know that God has set us on this path for a reason.  I pray for strength to get through this dark time and focus on the joy that is to come.

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